Self-service capability for requesting BigQuery dataset creation — part2
In part1, I provided details about the self-service capability I built for the creation of BigQuery datasets through Internal Developer Platform (IDP) platform.
In this blog post, I will provide details of the enhancement I applied to the self-service capability.
In this enhancement, I added a Python script to the GitHub Actions workflow to perform these tasks and send an email notification to the end user before the terraform plan runs.
a. Verify whether the dataset names provided by the end-users in the template have duplicates.
b. Verify whether the dataset names provided by the end-users in the template have special characters other than underscore.
c. Verify whether the dataset names provided by the end-users in the template are already created in GCP projects.
Disclaimer: The posts here represent my personal views and not those of my employer or any specific vendor. Any technical advice or instructions are based on my own personal knowledge and experience.